Malegra 50 Mg


+ Free Shipping
Active IngredientSildenafil Citrate
ManufacturerSunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Packaging10 tablets in 1 strip
Delivery Time6 To 15 days
SKU:Malegra 50 Mg
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What is Malegra 50 Mg?

If you are not having proper penile erections consider taking the Malegra 50 mg tablets. Containing generic Sildenafil in the amount of 50 mg each of the pills will help you to cure this disorder.

  • About Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

The use of Malegra 50 mg tablets is done for bringing potent hardness in erections. Taking in this pill of generic Sildenafil PDE-5 hormone inhibiting category will bring about harder erections and sustaining them for you to have sex with your partner. The generic content Sildenafil Citrate a salt helps you increase the sensitivity of the penis by flowing more blood through it.

  • Manufacturer

The manufacturer of the Malegra 50 mg tablets is Sunrise Remedies India Pvt. Ltd. a midcap category pharma company in India. Remember that this brand unlike the pills of Viagra that also contain generic Sildenafil is yet to receive the authorization of the FDA for general public use.

Malegra 50 Mg (Generic Sildenafil) Prescribed for?

In simple words put together the pills of Malegra 50 mg to help you get a harder erection. Use the pills and you after Sildenafil is activated which takes around 30 to 45 minutes and with some stimulation, you are bound to have a much better hard erection.

Many men have so far used the pills of Malegra 50 mg to get rid of erectile failure problems. Although the action of the pills is going to last for only around 6 hours but still within this much actionable time you can have sex with your partner.

How do Malegra 50 Mg (Generic Sildenafil) tablets work?

The oral pills of Malegra 50 mg have a PDE-5 hormone inhibiting substance in them that is called Sildenafil Citrate. The action of Sildenafil begins when the PDE-5 hormones come into action and give way for the cGMP hormone to secrete.

cGMP in turn will trigger the vasodilation of arteries via the effects of nitric oxide. When more blood flows through the penis arteries and capillaries they can increase sensitivity in the penis causing a harder erection.

What Are the Uses of the Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

Generic Malegra 50 mg medicine that contains Sildenafil is used for getting harder penis erection. The use of this medicine is done in both cases when your ED has been triggered by a physical or psychological disorder.

Remember that here we are talking about the 50 mg dosage for generic Malegra 50 mg but there are other doses available in the market too.

Depending on your ED severity or the background cause which can be either physical or psychological you can take a higher or lower variant of the pill.

But only the right amounts will help you to have sustained long harder erections. Taking a lower dose than what you require will not have the right effects on your erection. On the other hand, a higher dose will cause more amount of Sildenafil in your blood and this is enough to trigger side effects of varying intensities.

Other Dosage

How Much Of the Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate) to Be Used

Whether you are taking a 50 mg dose of Malegra or the 200 mg of Malegra which is the highest prescribed dose within this generic Sildenafil brand not more than one pill is suggested for intake during 24 hours.

Any side effect will trigger only when you take a higher dose than what is necessary. It is thus better for you to visit a doctor and take their recommendation on which dose or strength of the pills is the ideal one suited best for your erections and maximizing the results.

How to Take the Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

The pills of Malegra 50 mg fall under the oral category of pills. Hence, the right way to take the medicines is by swallowing them whole. It is up to the person to take the pills as per their free time during the day.

But during intake, you should only use water avoiding grape juice and alcohol both of which have highly triggering effects with generic Sildenafil.

After you have a mouthful of water put one tablet of Malegra 50 mg in your mouth and then ingest the whole thing together down the throat. While the pill is still in your mouth avoid chewing the pill as this is not recommended.

For How Long Should You Continue Using Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

This is something for which you have to take the recommendation from the doctor. Ideally, someone who is suffering from a not-to-severe form of ED disorder can expect to get cured fully provided they have the right compatibility with generic Sildenafil.

On the other hand, people with a higher ED severity may even have to use this pill for the rest of their lives for getting an erection.


there are some contradicting substances that you need to know in case you are using a pill of Malegra 50 mg for ED disorder. These include-

Grape juice


Addictive drugs like cocaine

Now, apart from these, there are some medicinal substances too that you need to know. These two have a higher chance of contradiction with generic Sildenafil.

Some antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs

Other ED pills with a different generic substance in it

Anti-blood coagulant medicines

HIV and AIDS pills

Nitrate compounds

Side Effects

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Digestion problem
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing trouble
  • Priapism
  • Lower libido
  • Blurry eyes
  • Red face
  • Rashes
  • Slight fever
  • Fainting

The Common Drug Interactions

As we have already mentioned the common drug interactions take a look at the above section for your reference.

Warning and Precaution

  • Before You Use Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate) Tablets

Ensure that you have taken the last pill minimum of 24 hours ago. Also, ensure that you have not taken any alcohol or drugs immediately before taking the drugs.

  • What Should You Avoid While Taking Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

The list of things to avoid such as some fluids and other medicines has been listed above already.

  • When Not To Use Malegra 50 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

Patients that have a severe tendency to fall in blood pressure and report it very often should consider alternative forms of treatment. Those having undergone a critical heart, liver, kidney, or nerve surgery under a few months should not take the Malegra 50 mg tablets.

  • Tell Your Doctor If You

If you have any major conditions related to the organs mentioned above the speak about the same

Things to Remember

We have in a short pointwise format given all the things that you need to remember while taking in the Malegra 50 mg pills-

  • Do not consume any contradictory substance
  • Avoid taking a dose that is not necessary
  • Do not miss out on a dose
  • Regularly take the medicines once every 24 hours


It is not only the bulk buying that you should be considering but rather once you have the pills at home ensuring the right conditions over the longer duration of the term is also pretty much important.

Any place should act as an ideal place for the storage of Malegra 50 mg where you don’t have direct sunlight falling on the pills and the place is generally cool with lower humidity.

The ideal temperature conditions for the pills would be 10-30 degrees Celsius.

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120 tablets, 150 tablets, 300 tablets, 90 tablets


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